Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 2!

--The representational part of this image is the leaf-like texture located inside the running legs. It is an instantly recognizable representation of a leaf and its vascular structure.
--Since the image is representing a cardiovascular association, the vascular veins in the leaf are representing respiration and blood flow within the pair of legs it has been placed.
--It relates to the other two levels because it is simply a representation of leaf structure, but its placement has been purposefully chosen to make the viewer make the connection between the green plant structure and the human body in reference to the cardiovascular system.

--The legs in this image represent the abstraction. They have been dwindled down to the most basic structure that could be identified as legs. Their role is to make the connection so that the viewer knows it is a human body part.
--Without this abstraction of legs, the viewer would not be able to see that the image is concerning the human body and its parts.
--The abstraction is not only of a pair of legs, but a pair of running legs. This further reinforces the idea of cardiovascular health.

--The words on the page are considered symbols. Without these particular letters which represent meaning in our culture, it would be much more difficult to understand what is going on.
--In this image, the viewer will most likely look to the pair of legs, think about them for a second without fully understanding it, and then look to the words for explanation.
--Without these words on the page, the reader would most likely be confused as to the purpose of this advertisement. They clarify the image and also provide the reader with more information as to what the image is trying to propose.

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