Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog Exercise 4: Visual vs. Symbolic Language

--reports a very dark message
--ominous figure looming in the background
--very old looking
--hiding something
--behind closed doors
--silhouette unidentifiable figure, could be anyone
--looking through a door into a place you don't want to to
--framed compositionaly
--labeling of door suggests simplistic design
--English words present

The image is a square, framed in on the clouded and foggy-looking window of an unemployment office. As seen through the window, there is a figure of what looks to be a young male, facing the door and waiting for you to enter. Across the center of the window, the words "Unemployment Office" have been placed in order to confirm your location. The letters are suggestive of an older era, and seem to be a clear brown plastic in a sans-serif typeface.

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