Thursday, December 8, 2011

Visual Techniques

Contrast Harmony
Balance Instability
Simplicity Complexity
Activeness Stasis
Subtlety Boldness
Consistency Variation

Contrast Harmony
Balance Instability
Economy Intricacy
Subtlety Boldness

These two images are examples of what i believe to be excellent typographical designs. They are also both pretty different from each other. They are both very contrast oriented designs. This makes them stand out from a lot of typography, because it will catch the eye easily. Both use contrast and harmony in their visual techniques. They're very harmonic and simplistic in their concepts, but contrast is used as an agent to make the designs pop out. The zebra design is much more intricate than the futura design, while the futura is more bold. This visual technique gives the title type of the futura book a much more solid impact, while the zebra design doesn't require the viewer to read every single piece of type.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog Exercise - CONTRAST

This is an example of excellent use of contrast in a design. There is no ambiguity or confusion to be seen. The typeface always contrasts sharply with the background color so everything is easy to read. There is contrast in tones of the two red colors, bringing a little more interest into the design. There is also contrast in the size of the typefaces which adds variety to the design. The two main stripes overlapping in the design are contrasting with each other, which gives the design balance. contrasting the bolder typefaces with the lighter thin typefaces helps distinguish between different sections of the design. Pretty much every aspect of this design contrasts with the other aspects, which makes this design clearly "pop" and makes it easily readable

This is an example of a design with hardly any contrast. As a result, the image is not very readable. The eye has no idea where to start, or how it should browse the image. There are no contrasts of depth, and the image feels completely flat. The buttons for the website have no contrast with their background, so it is difficult to understand that they are links. The design is supposed to represent a pop-up book, however without any contrast in depth, the design seems too flat. The colors are all very desaturated, and on a white background they do not add any interest. The row of buttons on the bottom of the screen have very low contrast as well, making it difficult to notice they are there, and harder to navigate the webpage. With added contrast, this webpage could be a lot easier to navigate, but as it stands now it is a horrible design.