Thursday, November 3, 2011

10: Tone and Color

Tone is operating in the blue wave shape. It helps to give the wave a three dimensional quality, which pops it out from the rest of the design. Without the tonal gradient, the wave would look flat on the page, but instead looks like its curving over.

Tone operates in conjunction with direction in this case. The tone makes the blue design seem like it is thrusting up from the bottom of the page, and is about to crash onto the type. Tone changes the direction in this case from that of a circular motion, to that of a wave motion. If there were no tone, direction would be seen as a circular motion following the lines of the blue area.

Color also operates in the blue wave shape. Without the blue color of the wave, the design would be lacking an eye catching quality. The blue wave is the first thing people will look at when they view this image. The blue color is the only color in the whole design other than the grey scale airplane wing and type.

Color interacts with line and shape. The lines incorporated in the wave, and the shape which is formed, circles around the central axis which in this case is the type. Color is catching the attention of the viewer, and line and shape help to shift the viewers eye straight to the text for consumption.

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